Saturday, July 19, 2008

July 19

We'll be home on Friday!!! I spoke to our insurance agency and tickets have been reserved for Friday (they still have a wrinkle to iron out on Monday with regards to the medical escort). Matt will be taken by ambulance to the airport, accompanied on first class by the escort all the way home, and then again transported straight from the airport to the hospital. The doctors here recommend surgery, but Matt will get another opinion once we get home. Good thing is that we actually have the MRI with us.

So, even with Matt's current condition - he is very concerned about the ROUGHRIDERS - I know they play again soon, so could someone PLEASE e-mail or post an update so I don't have to dig around on the internet as to what happened..haha...once a rider fan - always a rider fan!

As for me, it's day four of cold showers - something broke down in the neighbourhood and the entire surrounding area (including hospital) doesn't have hot water - but at least we still got water! I'm constantly getting asked for directions, a pen, time, and yesterday at the computer - a guy with broken englished was asking me about how to type a Ukrainian letters, then after asked for directions. After I helped him out, he asked me to read something (now I read as slow as 1st grader), so he was very shocked to find out that I didn't even speak Ukrainian haha He was from Denmark - that's what I love about Europe - the mix you get in here is so cool!

There is someone that I haven't thank for yet on there that deserves great recognition - my parents. I just want to say that I know your phone bill is going to be huge this month, but please know that it is worth every penny! I would not have been able to pull thru this without your double dose of daily phone calls.


Staci and Damon said...

Praying you got home safely! We're thinking of you and hoping that Matt gets better back at home!

Sylvia's Parents said...

We have been in touch with Sylvia on the phone daily, asking her if she needs her Mom to fly out to help them. Sylvia has repeatedly said "not yet" because they are getting great support and help from the people surrounding them right now. Sylvia has told us that Daria has been "like YOU - MOM - always sensing when they need support" - the phone rings and it is Daria. Sylvia says that they also have a set of "new" parents ( Volodja & Luda ) who worry about them just as we do. They are so lucky to have all the wonderful help from the special people in Kiev - the couple that have taken time to even invite Sylvia for supper, take her to the market and the boat trip - and to the young guy who still visits and brings "care packages" to Matt.
We would like to send a very special thank you to all of you who have taken such good care of Sylvia and Matt. Without your kindness and open hearts this bad situation would be so much worse for them and for us too. Thank you is not enough to express our gratitude to Daria for all her heartfelt support, the numerous phone calls and words of encouragement and keeping us updated during those worrisome times when we are unable to reach Sylvia. Thinking of you daily. Love you and see you soon.

Gail said...

I am so happy that you guys will finally be home and where you are with people who love and care for you both. I know this has been a long and dissapointing trip for you both and I only hope things are on the upswing for you. As far as I understand the Riders have won all 3 games so far and they play again tonite. They play Montreal and so far they have beat all the teams by quite a few points..or to me they seem like quite a few points, but nonetheless,,a win. I will let you know the score. I hope the return flight home is not to hard on Matt's back, I know almost every little move can be excruciatingly painful. Been there and done that. Once he gets home, and medical treatment is easier understood, I am sure he wil be on the road to recovery, I only hope that road is not to long, as he has suffered so much already. Sylvia, I am sure your parents won't even look at their phone bill and certainly won't care as you and Matt are their highest concern. I am sure that both sets of parents have been strong supports and will continue once you get home. Once the trauma of this return trip is over, you both will be home, safe and sound and in the care of everyone. I am so glad you had such great care and help from people in the Ukraine. Please know that if there is anything at all.......just ask!!

Lang family said...

We are Happy to finally hear that you guys are coming home! Everyday when we phone we have waited to hear those words. We are thankful that you have found some people that can be there for support as we couldn't be there. Dad is thinking about putting the rider plate back on his truck but since they are winning already matt, that might turn it around!! THANK YOU to all the people that have helped Matt and Sylvia through this trying time. Thanks for putting up all the posts so that they know that people back home are concerned and supportive.

Waiting patiently on your return home

Love Dad, Mom, Michelle, and Jaylynn

Littleone said...

SO glad to hear that you will be home soon. I am sure it will be a huge relief. Please don't hesitate to ask if you need anything at all. We hope your trip home is safe and Matt is comfortable. Here is to a quick road to recovery!

Monika said...

So relieved that you will be taken care of from point a to b. I am sad that this is how trip 1 has to end, but know that by the sounds of your determination and optimism, this will not be the end of your adoption journey. Hats off to you. Check your blog often.

Gail said...

Riders are 4-0!!

Triphina said...

Hey Matt! The Riders are doing amazing this year... we are 4-0 with 11 straight sell outs... Kerry Joseph is coming back Sunday and from what everyone is saying he will be getting an ovation! The last game was one of the most exciting we have seen in a while! The game was postponed about an hour due to rain...and then it threatened to get us wet in the 4th but held off - we did have a huge double rainbow right over the end zone - it was amazing! Glad to hear your coming home buddy! Hope the flight is good - and the pain medication is better!