Tuesday, July 8, 2008

July 8

Not much has changed. Matt's not too much better. They did an x-ray today, for which we're still waiting to hear results. Depending on those results, they'll do an MRI. He's still getting pumped full of drugs and wanted me to post on here that: "his butt feels like a f... pincushion!" At least he's in the room with some good people. The other day they were playing Ukrainian bridge until midnight!
I on the other hand, am still running back and forth between the hospital, our appartment and the grocery store. Nothing too exciting to report. They sell beer in little kiosks here, I almost bought one last night. Oh, and apparently I fit right in as I had two Ukrainians ask me for directions yesterday! I understood what they were asking, but just didn't know where the streets were.
Our adoption appointment for today has been cancelled, and our agents are in the process of trying to reschedule for July 16th with the hopes that Matt will be able to walk by then. So, we'll see.
Please drop us a note if you get a chance, it's always nice to hear from home in a situation like this.


junglemama said...

Wow, what a trip. May the Lord be with you. Stay strong, this is one amazing story you will tell your kids one day.

Monika said...

WOw is right. I don't even know you but marvel at your attitude in all of this. THere seems to be a calm and straight forwardness in how you are taking this. Man, it is hard to understand God sometimes. Well, every morning at 8:15 I pray for our "to be" ukrainian kids and I will add yours on to that list! God's strength and speed to you.
Monika Wilson

Littleone said...

I cannot believe this is happening to you guys. Take care and keep your spirits up. If we can help with anything, please let us know. We are all thinking of you and sending our best wishes.
Tell Matt to get better soon!

Dale, Donna & Cohen

Charlotte said...

Hi Sylvia and Matt,

I dont know how you are keeping it together, but from what Matt has said, you are a strong woman...but myself being a Good Ukrainian Woman..its something that comes naturally. May God bless you both and keep you strong...and go to the kiosk and buy a beer...Dybosha!!(I think that is how you spell it)

Charlotte (one of Matts co-workers)

Anonymous said...

I cannot imagine what you guys are going through, but you amaze me with your strength and positive attitude! We are praying that Matt is feeling better soon and that things with your adoption can proceed. You will get through this and have quite a story to tell! Hoping for better news on your next post...

Cheryl & Ciaran

Michelle said...

Matt and Sylvia,

Hope this trip turns around for you guys...this is another bump in the long road that you started years ago....and i do believe everything happens for a reason, and that God doesn't hand out what you can't deal with....just remember how many people back home are thinking and Praying for you...looking forward to our daily phone calls..

Allan, Debby, Michelle, and Jaylynn

The Flying Eagle said...

Oh no!!! Your speedy recovery is in our prayers.